Our E-Z Pick of the Moment: |
William Anthony The Swing |
- William Anthony The Swing
- William Anthony Tattooed Gums (After an Actual Photo of an Actual Person)
- William Anthony Le Drapé Bleu
- Mark Beam The Casual Tyrannosaurus at Home
- Anne Bray & Molly Cleator EasyChair, Electric Chair
- Marcel De Jure Holy Smokes
- Mark Ehrman Auschwitz, 1992
- Mark Ehrman Prague, 1992
- John Fitzgerald Gannon Run pizza boy, run!
- John Fitzgerald Gannon Snatch to Match
- John Fitzgerald Gannon Serial Killer in Training
- John Fitzgerald Gannon Angry Gabe
- John Fitzgerald Gannon Wet Kitty
- John Fitzgerald Gannon Signs of Youth
- John Fitzgerald Gannon Locos vs. Aztlan
- John Fitzgerald Gannon User Friendly
- John Fitzgerald Gannon Amazing Low Price
- Emilie Harvey Illustrations
- A.M. HolmesKiss
- Brian Kane A Room With A View
- Brian Kane Plumr
- Brian Kane Phone
- Brian Kane Canyon
- Brian Kane Family Portrait
- Brian Kane Night Water
- Ed McGowin Chicken Tableau
- Melle 4/29/92
- Melle The Revolver
- Mark Mothersbaugh Key Frames
- Michael Oatman Untitled
- Michael Oatman Divorce
- Michael Oatman I get to see my kids on WEEKENDS
- Michael Oatman The Xerox salesman made 500 copies of his suicide note
- Kevin Riordan Springer Block, Demolished
- Nicole Sampogna Mirror
- Nicole Sampogna Self-Destruct
- Nicole Sampogna Paper Doll
- Nicole Sampogna Gate
- David Sandlin Ocean of Whisky
- David Sandlin Orpheus &Eurydice Leaving the Rest E-Z Motel
- Carole Starr Schein Found Object
- Carole Starr Schein Doodles
- Carole Starr Schein Reflection
- David L. Ulin School Days
- Richard I. Ulin Penn Station
- Carolyn Wendt Grandmother, #1-7
- Carolyn Wendt Dolls
- Carolyn Wendt Coney Island
- Carolyn Wendt Corner
- Carolyn Wendt Clench
- Carolyn Wendt Escalator
- Daniel Wheeler Untitled d.2.92
- Daniel Wheeler Untitled (foray) & Untitled (reservoir)
- Michael Aushenker Porno Stories
- Michael Callaghan Captain Anarchy
- Bill Griffith Zippy
- Jon Hammer & Karen McBurnie Rock-a-billy Shaolin Ghost starring Jet Lee!
- Emilie Harvey Letters from L.A., aka Grand Disillusions
- V. Hoop Bad Eyes
- V. Hoop The Tyranny of Magical Thinking, Part 1
- Tom Zummer Tales of Drama and Inconvenience: A Gas Leak in the Suburbs
- Holly Anderson Heaven
- Bruce Benderson Carte du Tendre
- Bob Black The French Disease
- Max Blagg Bolham Butts
- Suzy Brown Bathtime
- Snahe Cooper Wallet
- Janice Eidus Moon River
- Frederic Lyon Glover Killing Jazz
- Steven Kane The Way It Is
- Jim Krusoe A Welcome
- Ron Kolm Hook
- Victoria Looseleaf Whorehouse of the Mind
- Harry Mathews Soap Opera
- Ursule Molinaro Remote Control7
- Michael O'Donoghue, Ken Finkleman & Bruce Wagner GoodCop,Good Cop
- Bart Plantenga Barbie &Her Perilous Anatomy
- Ann Rower Midnight Flash
- Shawn Schepps One Giant Step
- Lewis Shiner The Best Part of Making Up
- Matt Silverstein Generation Gap
- Michael Stephens Dockside Soliloquy
- Lynne Tillman Complicity
- Jason Trask Assault with Deadly Grammar
- David Trinidad Three Deaths
- David L. Ulin A Walk Before Dinner
- Christopher Upham Nothing To Crow About
- Peter Wortsman A Holy Vision
- Barry Yourgrau Horn
- Ben Borkow Lest We Forget
- Arthur C. Clarke EGOgrams
- Wanda Coleman Jah in Packaging
- Janet Coleman Mingus on Monk
- Connie Deanovich Today on All My Children (9/11/91)
- Connie Deanovich Today on All My Children (7/21/92)
- Connie Deanovich Today on All My Children (7/14/92)
- Connie Deanovich Today on All My Children (7/24/92)
- Mike Golden The Next Man to Go: An Interview with "Accursed Publisher" Maurice Girodias
- Daniel P. Mannix The Half-and-Half
- Kit Roane Fist
- John Robert Tebbel What, Me Gone? The William M. Gaines Memorial Service, Friday, June 5, 1992
- Mark Amerika hopkins re:mix (signed: Mark Amerika)
- Clayton Brooks Passing Time
- Michael Carter La Mairie '89
- Jim Cory The End
- Denise Duhamel Four Hours
- Maggie Estep Hey Baby
- Jim Feast Unititled
- Ed Friedman War of the Worlds
- S.A. Griffin Love Came Home Late Last Night and Fell Asleep in Front of the Television
- Nancy Harris Thank You Roger Fry and Virginia Woolf
- Bob Holman Dickstein
- Jennifer Joseph cutting swaths / big island
- Ron Koertge Out of Body Experiences
- Lyn Lifshin Jack the Ripper
- Gerald Locklin living with one's choices
- Richard Meltzer I 'm the One Without
- Jose Padua Breakfast at McDonald's
- Daniel Quinn ProFormTM #737
- Michael Randall Fifteen Seconds
- Thaddeus Rutkowski Departure Checklist
- Hakim Sana'i, translated by Hakim Bey Untitled
- Edwin Schlossberg Look
- Hal Sirowitz Get a Job
- Mike Topp Life in These UnitedStates
- Mike Topp Agony Column
- Steve Wingate My Butt